Your First Name
Your Last Name
Firm Name
Firm Type Corp General Partnership Individual Institutional Limited Company Limited Partnership LLC LLP LP Other PC PLC PLLC Professional Association Professional Limited Liability Partnership Sole Proprietorship
Case Name
Type of Case Personal Injury Adult - Sole Counsel Personal Injury Adult - Referring Counsel Personal Injury Adult - Co-Trial Counsel Personal Injury (WD/Infant/Incomp) - Sole Counsel Personal Injury (WD/Infant/Incomp) - Referring Counsel Personal Injury (WD/Infant/Incomp) - Co-Trial Counsel Worker's Comp Vouchers MDL or Mass Tort - Sole Counsel MDL or Mass Tort - Co-Trial Counsel MDL or Mass Tort - Referring Counsel Class Action
Date of Settlement or Award
Amount of Settlement or Award
Amount of Attorney Fee or Award
Are you sole counsel on this case? Yes No
Preliminary Court Approval Date
Final Court Approval Date
Company Name
Adjustor Name
Email Address
Telephone Number
Claim Number
Claims Administrator
Settlement Website
Attorney Name
Name of Law Firm